January 2020 | Heel pain: Risk factors and treatment Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 25.01.2020, page 2 |
April 2019 | Clinical signs and treatment of the cubital tunnel syndrome Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 06.04.2019, page 2 |
October 2018 | The role of unicompartmental arthroplasty as a treatment option of knee osteoarthritis
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 13.10.2018, page 2 |
September 2018 | Therapeutic approach of hip osteoarthritis Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 15.09.2018, page 2 |
June 2018 | What is the optimum treatment of the lateral epicondylitis of the elbow?
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 30.06.2018, page 2 |
June 2018 | Stenosing tenosynovitis / Trigger finger: Diagnosis and treatment.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 02.06.2018, page 2 |
April 2018 | Treatment of Rotator cuff tears.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 14.04.2018, page 2 |
March 2018 | Therapeutic approach of Hallux valgus.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 03.03.2018, page 2 |
January 2018 | Current aspects of ACL tears.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 20.01.2018, page 2 |
December 2017 | Current aspects of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 16.12.2017, page 2 |
November 2017 | Meniscus tear: Diagnosis and treatment.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 11.11.2017, page 2 |
September 2017 | Current aspects of Knee osteoarthritis.
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 30.09.2017, page 2 |
August 2017 | What should we acknowledge about Hip osteoarthritis?
Journal "Palmos tis Glyfadas" 26.08.2017, page 2 |
June 2017 | Shoulder Tendinopathy and Subacromial Impingement Syndrome – Is there any solution?
Journal “Palmos tis Glyfadas” 17.06.2017, page 2 |
September 2011 | Large infrapatellar ganglionic cyst of the knee fat pad. A case report and review of the literature
Journal of Medical Case Reports 2011, 5:351-3. |
May 2011 | Complicated hemorrhagic Baker cyst: An all-time classic diagnostic dilemma. An interesting case report and a thorough review of the literarure
Acta Orthopaedica and Traumatologica Hellenica 2011 vol 62(3):148-154. |
October 2009 | Pathological femoral fracture secondary to contaminated primary hydatid cyst. Two stage treatment with external fixation and static intramedullary nailing. A case report and review of the literature
Acta Orthopaedica and Traumatologica Hellenica 2009 vol 60(2):113-18. |
May 2009 | Electromagnetic stimulation for delayed union of humeral shaft fractures
Abstracts Book, 10th EFORT Congress, 2009, Vienna, Austria |
May 2009 | External fixation and primary allograft application in open tibial fractures
Abstracts Book, 10th EFORT Congress, 2009, Vienna, Austria |